Throughout my career, I've dedicated myself to exploring diverse topics and sharing insights through my writing. In addition to my articles, I've authored several books that delve deeper into specific areas of interest, offering comprehensive analyses and thought-provoking perspectives. I invite you to delve into my publications and embark on a journey of discovery.

Scaling Orange Dot


  • Good Humor, Bad Taste. A Sociology of the Joke. 2006. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (preview) (pdf of introduction)
  • Revised and updated version: Good Humor, Bad Taste: A Sociology of the Joke. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. (link)
  • [Reviewed in, among others, American Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, Figurations, HUMOR International Journal of Humor Research, Journal of American Folklore, Journal of Folkore Research, Journal of Pragmatics, Mens en Maatschappij]

Book chapters

  • Kuipers, Giselinde. 2016. Mizahin sosyolojisi. In Huriye KuruoÄŸlu & Mikail Boz (eds.). Medya ve-mizah, pp. 47-78. Istanbul: Nobel Akademik Yayincilik.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2015. Satire and dignity. In Drees, Marijke Meijer & Sonja de Leeuw (eds.). The Power of Satire, pp. 19-32. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (link)
  • Sylvia Holla & Giselinde Kuipers. 2015. Aesthetic capital. In Hanquinet, Laurie & Mike Savage (eds.), International Handbook for the Sociology of Art and Culture, pp. 290-304. London: Routledge.(link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers, Yiu Fai Chow & Elise van der Laan. 2015. Vogue and the possibility of cosmopolitics. Race, health and cosmopolitan engagement in the global beauty industry. In Levitt, Peggy and Pál Nyíri (eds.), Books, Bodies and Bronzes. Comparing Sites of Global Citizenship Formation, pp. 10-27. New York: Routledge.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2014. Cultural intermediaries and ethnographic research. In Smith Maguire, Jennifer & Julian Mathews (eds.), The Cultural Intermediaries Reader, 52-63. London: Sage. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2014. Schadenfreude and social life. How society shapes, and is shaped by a moral emotion. In van Dijk, Wilco & Jaap Ouwerkerk (eds.), Schadenfreude: Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others, 259-274. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. Ethnic humor and ethnic politics in the Netherlands at the turn of the twenty-first century: The rules and attraction of clandestine humor. In Martina Kessel and Patrick Merziger (eds.), The Politics of Humour: Laughter, Inclusion and Exclusion in the Twentieth Century, pp. 175- 201. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (link)
  • Anna Jankowska & Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. Polish audience attitudes towards audiovisual translation and translation strategies. In: Witalisz, Alicja (ed.), Across Borders: Migration in Culture, Language and Literature. Krosno, PL: PWSZ.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2011. “Where was King Kong when we needed him?” Public discourse, digital disaster jokes, and the functions of laughter after 9/11. In Ted Gournelos and Viveca Greene (eds.), A Decade of Dark Humor: How Comedy, Irony and Satire Shaped Post-9/11 America, pp. 20-46. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [Updated reprint of 2005 article in Journal of American Culture] (link) Giselinde Kuipers. 2009. The social construction of digital danger: Debating, defusing, and inflating the moral dangers of online humor and pornography in the Netherlands and the United States. In Wall, David (ed.), 2009. Crime and Deviance in Cyberspace. pp. 323-344. International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology – Second Series. Farnham: Ashgate. [Reprint of New Media & Society Article, 2006]
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2008. The sociology of humor. In Victor Raskin (ed.) The Primer of Humor Research, pp. 365-402. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (link to book) (pdf of chapter)
  • Jeroen de Kloet & Giselinde Kuipers. 2008. Global flows and local identifications? The Lord of the Rings and the cross-national reception of characters and genres. In Martin Barker & Ernest Mathijs (eds.) Watching the Lord of the Rings. New York: Peter Lang. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2005. Humor Styles and Class Cultures: Highbrow Humour and Lowbrow Humour in the Netherlands. In Garfit, Toby, Edith McMorran & Jane Taylor, The Anatomy of Laughter, pp. 58-69. Oxford: Legenda.
Vertical Text
  • Kuipers, G., & van der Ent, B. 2016. The seriousness of ethnic jokes: Ethnic humor and social change in the Netherlands, 1995-2012. Humor 29(4): 605–633. (link)
  • Kuipers, Giselinde, Elise van der Laan & Elisa AGArfini. 2016. Gender models: changing representations and intersecting roles in Dutch and Italian fashion magazines, 1982-2011. Journal of Gender Studies 1-17. (link)
  • van der Laan, Elise & Giselinde Kuipers. 2016. How aesthetic logics shape a cultural field: Differentiation and consolidation in the transnational field of fashion images, 1982-2011. Poetics 56: 64-84. (link)
  • van der Laan, Elise & Giselinde Kuipers. 2016. Creating aesthetic, institutional and symbolic boundaries in fashion photo shoots. International Journal of Fashion Studies 3(1): 47-68. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2015. Beauty and distinction? The evaluation of appearance and cultural capital in five European countries. Poetics 52. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2015. How national institutions mediate the global: Screen translation, institutional interdependencies and the production of national differences in four European countries. American Sociological Review 80(5): 985-1013. (link)
  • Thomas Franssen & Giselinde Kuipers. 2015. Guest editorial: Sociology of literature and publishing in the early 21st century: Away from the center. Cultural Sociology 9(3): 291-295. (link)
  • Marc Verbaas, Giselinde Kuipers & Susanne Janssen. 2015. Institutional recognition in the transnational literary field, 1955-2005. Cultural Sociology 9(3): 447-465. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers, Yiu Fai Chow & Elise van der Laan. 2014. Vogue and the possibility of cosmopolitics. Race, health and cosmopolitan engagement in the global beauty industry. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(12): 2158-2175. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2014. Bicykl Jejího Veličenstva: O národním habitu a sociologické komparaci. Historicka Sociology 1: 25-45. (link) Giselinde Kuipers. 2014. In praise of doubt: Academic virtues, transnational encounters and the problem of the public. European Journal of Cultural Studies 17(1): 75-89. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers, Elise van der Laan & Elisa AG Arfini. 2013. Modelli di genere: La rappresentazione di modelle, celebrità e persone comuni nelle riviste di moda: una comparazione tra Italia e Olanda. Studi culturali 3: 493-522 (link)
  • Sam Friedman & Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. The divisive power of humor. Comedy taste and symbolic boundaries. Cultural Sociology 7(2): 179-195. (link) Aleit Veenstra & Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. It’s not old-fashioned, it’s vintage. Vintage fashion and the complexities of 21st century consumption practices. Sociology Compass 7(5): 355-365. (link)
  • Rineke van Daalen & Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. Everyday practices and long-term processes. Overcoming dichotomies with the work of Norbert Elias. Human Figurations 2(3). (link)
  • Nilyufer Hamid-Turksoy, Liesbet van Zoonen & Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. “I dumped my husband for a Turkish toyboy.” Romance tourism and intersectionality in British tabloids. Feminist Media Studies 14(5): 806-821 (link)
  • Nilyfer Hamid-Turksoy, Giselinde Kuipers and Liesbet van Zoonen. 2013. “Try a taste of Turkey.” An analysis of Turkey’s representation in British newspapers’ travel sections. Journalism Studies (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. The rise and decline of national habitus: Dutch cycling culture and the shaping of national similarity. European Journal of Social Theory 16(10): 17-35. (link)
  • Thomas Franssen & Giselinde Kuipers. 2013. Coping with uncertainty, abundance and strife: Decision-making processes of Dutch acquisition editors in the global market for translation. Poetics 41(1): 48-74. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. The cosmopolitan tribe of television buyers. Professional ethos, personal taste and cosmopolitan capital in transnational cultural mediation. European Journal of Cultural Studies 15(5): 581-603. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. South Park boys and Sex and the City women. Television trade, narrowcasting and the export of gender categories. Interactions 2(3): 179-196. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2011. Cultural globalization as the emergence of a transnational cultural field. Transnational television and national media landscapes in four European countries. American Behavioral Scientist 55(5): 541-557. (link)
  • Susanne Janssen, Marc Verdoois & Giselinde Kuipers. 2011. Comparing cultural classification: High and popular arts in European and US elite newspapers, 1955-2005. Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 62(51): 139-168.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2011. The politics of humor in the public sphere: Cartoons, power and modernity in the first transnational humor scandal. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14(1): 63-80. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers & Jeroen de Kloet. 2009. Banal cosmopolitanism and The Lord of the Rings. The limited role of national differences in global media consumption. Poetics 37(2): 99-118. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2009. Humor styles and symbolic boundaries. Journal of Literary Theory 3(2): 219-239. (link) Susanne Janssen, Giselinde Kuipers & Marc Vernauw. 2008. Cultural globalization and arts journalism. The international orientation of arts and culture coverage in American, Dutch, French, and German newspapers, 1955-2005. American Sociological Review 73(5): 719-740. (link)
  • Paul Lewis, Christie Davies, Giselinde Kuipers, Rod Martin, Elliott Oring & Victor Raskin. 2008. The Muhammad cartoons and humor research, a collection of essays. Humor International Journal for Humor Research 21(1): 1-46. (link)
  • Jeroen de Kloet & Giselinde Kuipers. 2007. Spirituality and fan culture around the The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Fabula Journal of Folktale Research 48(3/4): 300-319. (link) Giselinde Kuipers. 2006. Television and taste hierarchy: The case of Dutch television comedy. Media, Culture and Society 28 (3): 359-378. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2006. The social construction of digital danger: Debating, defusing, and inflating the moral dangers of online humor and pornography in the Netherlands and the United States. New Media and Society 8 (3): 379-400. (link) Giselinde Kuipers. 2005. “Where was King Kong when we needed him?” Public discourse, digital disaster jokes, and the functions of laughter after 9/11. The Journal of American Culture 28(1): 70-84. (pdf)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2002. Media culture and internet disaster jokes: Bin Laden and the attack on the World Trade Center. European Journal of Cultural Studies 5 (4): 451-471. (pdf)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2000. The Difference between a Surinamese and a Turk: Ethnic jokes and the position of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. HUMOR International Journal for Humor Research. 12 (2): 141-175. (pdf) (link)

Book reviews, encyclopedia entries, and professional publications

  • Kuipers, Giselinde. 2016. Follow the Joke: Humour and Ethnography. Etnofoor 28(2), 125-129. (link)
  • Kuipers, Giselinde. 2014. Sociology. In Attardo, Salvatore (ed.), Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Kuipers, Giselinde. 2013. Review of Christie Davies, Jokes and Targets. Sociology 47(2): 417-419.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. The medium is the message. In Ritzer, George (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. DOI: 10.1002/9780470670590.wbeog380. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2012. Mediascape. In Ritzer, George (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, DOI: 10.1002/9780470670590.wbeog380. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2011. Her Majesty’s Bicycle. On national habitus and sociological comparison. Figurations 34b. (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2008. Comment dit-on “d’oh” en Francais? Contexts winter 2008, pp. 54-57. (pdf)

Books, special issues and edited volumes

  • Thomas Franssen and Giselinde Kuipers (eds.). 2015. Sociology of literature in the early 21st century: Away from the centre. Special issue of Cultural Sociology 9(3). (link)
  • Rineke van Daalen and Giselinde Kuipers (eds.) 2013. Everyday practices and long-term processes. Special issue of Human Figurations 2(3). Christien Brinkgreve, Marcel van den Haak, Bart van Heerikhuizen, Johan Heilbron & Giselinde Kuipers (ed.) 2011. Cultuur en ongelijkheid. Diemen: AMB Pers. (link)
  • Jaap Kooijman & Giselinde Kuipers (eds.) 2008. Amerikaanse toestanden. Sociologie 4 (2/3). (link)
  • Daniel Biltereyst & Giselinde Kuipers (eds.) 2006. Mondiale beeldcultuur: Lancering, hype en receptie van de blockbuster ‘The Lord of the Rings’. Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap 34 (1). (link)
  • Giselinde Kuipers, Jeroen de Kloet & Suzanne Kuik (eds.) 2003. Digitaal contact: het net van de begrensde mogelijkheden. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift.
  • Giselinde Kuipers. 2001. Goede humor, slechte smaak. Nederlanders over moppen. Amsterdam: Boom.
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