
I'm Giselinde Kuipers, Professor of Sociology in Leuven, Belgium. Glad you are here! Keep scrolling to find out more about my work. 

The sociology of frivolous things and their serious consequences

Research Professor of Sociology, KULeuven, Belgium. Research affiliation: Center for Sociological Research (CeSO). I teach in the  Master’s in Culture & Society, KU Leuven. Cartoon character in ERCcomics cartoon BEAUTYMember of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.


 I make podcasts about Culture & Inequality.  I study Beauty and Inequality courtesy of the European Research Council. I also study humor, fashion, television, memes, bikes and other frivolous things with serious consequences. Here is my CV

This website is under construction. I am currently on sick leave, and I have not been able to complete the building of this website.

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